Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Thursday, May 27, 2010 /
8:33 PM ![]() I'm fine. I just break sometimes. Just understand that if I break, I'm breaking for you. /
7:33 PM I KNOW I VERY IRRITATING. I KNOW IT VERY WELL XD But this is the best live i've seen so far! Camera managed to capture every choreo, esp Seungho's 0.13! I was kinda disappointed with the previous few cuz they didnt capture that part! *Eve! Super charismatic right :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, now i gotta start investing my time in my precious Dongbangshinki! You guys were never forgotten :) Wednesday, May 26, 2010 /
11:32 PM Had Handburger yesterday @313 after paper and ehhhhhhh........ It wasnt good! :( Had heard a lot of verdicts for it and then there were these never-ending queues like everytime we pass by/want to eat. But i think im gonna give it another shot! (Okay you guys know i aint good at photo-taking) ![]() The mini pork slices & dory fish burgers! Can finish in few bites that type. But we wanted to try different flavours..soooooo.. :) ![]() "The Works" Supposedly the best burger. Bacon+onion rings+mushrooms+egg+one whole chunk of beef. First, it aint easy to eat. Secondly, the beef and bacon were goddamm hard. Cuz turn cold already! Hmph! But i'm definitely going back cuz i missed out on desserts this time. Hehe. ![]() Thus, i think the best food i had in there was my Nutella ice blend+marshmallows! HEAVENLY<3 Today, i went to library alone for a peaceful afternoon! Spent a good 5hrs there, sipping hot chocolate, and fighting my urge to sleep -.- Exams exams exams. Finally coming to a halt for at least 2 weeks! YAY-NESS. ![]() Headed to Mac cuz my stomach 很不争气的 growl in the quiet library. Can see how troublesome i am, just for a pack of fries, already flavoured(hot&spicy) ones somemore! XD ![]() I know you guys miss me.Here's my stupid face :) And have decided to filter the formspring questions! If not will totally hog up my blog haha. Catch it on fb! Chu~ MBLAQ.Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality.
10:24 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Their latest look ^^ *HAHAHA G.O GRABBING JOON ASKING HIM TO STOP. Cuz its too irresistable to the girls! *not subbed towards the end but this-is-hilarious. And why i am head over heels over IDOL ARMY. They are soooo natural! Neighbourhood fools hahaha. I've been like following allkpop everyday for their live performances! I have never stalked anyone until this stage. AH THAM AH. 又花痴了!!:D bruised.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 /
2:05 AM Everyday i wake up, i remember all the pain, i'd die a little more inside. This is getting way out of hand. I have a f*cking paper tmr but what can i do? I stare at those huge chunk of words i copied blindly but they don't wanna connect with me. This whole week, i was wasted. They say every goodbye brings you closer to the next hello. But i don't want to let go. I loved and i still do. The pain still stings but i'm ready to move on. If we're meant to be, things will fall back in place. Explainations, excuses, opinions, judgements. All un-called for, if we'd given it another shot, if we'd spit it out. I don't wanna delude myself and others any further by saying: i don't care. Cause its like the last thing i'll ever do. Stay. are you happy?
Sunday, May 23, 2010 /
8:32 PM I'm afraid i'm not. Short-lived moments yes but when the night falls, the truth unfolds itself. i'm bored =(
4:34 PM First, this is not a question dear. Who are you!! who am i?
2:23 PM i think you're my long-lost sibling, tablespoon. abcdefg
2:09 PM hijklmnop. Happy? :) why r u so cute?
2:01 PM ERM. I dont think i am and this question leaves me with no answer for you XD formspring.me
1:55 PM Ask me anything http://formspring.me/pabopoony What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?
1:55 PM Techno,Trance,(some)Nonsensical Rapping with no rhythm?? Heartb r e a k e r
Thursday, May 20, 2010 /
10:36 PM ![]() I think im becoming a nerd. I know i have so much to blog but as you guys know it, once the momentum is over, you'll just drag and drag and DRAG. Today was one of the worst days i ever had. But if you're reading this space, im gonna say, i did no wrong and i definitely wont be the one apologising. It pains me to see all these 6years of friendship about to disappear into thin air just like that. No man should be condemned unheard. I never once stopped loving you guys. Even now. Enough said. ![]() Look Ma! No Mascara! and i look different from the right view huh. BYE. Sunday, May 16, 2010 /
4:25 AM Killed 4episodes of MBLAQ idol army and omo~~ I've been following bitz and pieces of them on variety shows but i didn't know they could be THIS cute. And entertaining, like seriously! I know i know, i'm super slow and i don't even know whats the latest show now. And i can't wait to do some follow up on the latest comeback stages!;) I let my emotions got the better of me today and i'm disappointed with myself more then anyone else. When will the day where i learn how to grasp full control of myself arrive? ... 4hours of sleep left. GG. NO TIME NO CHANCE to prepare/study for monday's paper. Triple GG. If you haven't heard, i have zero idea what this current module is talking about. GOOD JOB. Now who's gonna bless me? Someone please just slap me.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 /
4:58 AM Haven't been stayin up till this late for some time now. The tranquility of the night is coming to an end soon, entitling me a sufficient reason to crawl to bed. It's high time i penned a new chapter, leaving the torn and unfinished pages behind. But embarking on a new journey isn't that easy. Acknowledgements alone will make you realise how much you missed your previous masterpiece. I know i have been selfish with my words, reeling you in but only to find i'm not revealing anything. So here i am, waist-deep in thoughts again, tryin to find that shimmering wand that diminishes everything with one flick. Sunday, May 9, 2010 /
2:43 AM Lying on my bed for nearly 3hours now(with a lil fb chatting), with a pen and writing pad, i haven't even started on anything. Not even a 'To 老妈:'. i have sooo many thoughts mapped out in my brain. I know exactly what i want to voice out, but my fingers and my mind simply refuses to co-operate. Yes, i'm still that cowardly girl who doesnt dare to beg for more love, concern and attention. Great, i just wasted 3hours of sleep, which could be used to generate more enthusiasm and happiness into the occasion tmr! Dammit. No more thinking for the night, BYE. Yet another chimology post, i know(pun intended). Only i do.
Thursday, May 6, 2010 /
11:39 PM I went for a haircut this morning. Well, a trim to be exact. My bangs now make me look like a 12yr old and... Erm, probably my hair is neater too?? ... Fine. I didn't need a cut at all. I didn't realise it after i made the call for appointment(unconciously)last night, i didn't too when i woke up early in the morning for it. When i was sitting there hearing the *snip snip* sounds, i jolted up from my daze. 原来,想把烦恼都"剪掉"的念头已经超越自己的想象,已经不知不觉陷入潜意识里。I had no idea what to feel. Only to respond "不用" to all of the auntie's suggestions on what to do with my hair. Do you know how it feels to have no control over your emotions? And rationality? But whether or not my last drop of insanity evaporated last night, only time will tell. Wednesday, May 5, 2010 /
10:12 PM Did you ever borrow a book, only to realise that in the middle of nowhere/at the end you've actually read it before? This is my second time that such a funny thing happened to me. 可能是自己神经本来就比较大条,所以才有那么搞笑的事情。第一次发生这样的事时,是当我翻到最后一页时,看见自己留下的字迹,和年少轻狂时的一些梦想。(yes i know i shouldn't abuse library books..)But the thing is, how a book can still bowl you over for the second time, without you realising it, it amazes me. There are so many quotes and sentences to share. In fact, i would very much like to type one whole story here. All along i have a fetish for 短篇小说。Short and sweet/bitter, straight to the point, and it leaves you to boundless imagination. I spent a lovely afternoon with myself and i yesterday in the peaceful library. A few trouble-making students here and there, some nasty looking librarians disrupting my tranquility here and there but i still managed to search for the peace from within:) Contented. "我们相互凝视的那瞬间,以往他眼中我无解的部分,现在都有了答案。因为懂,所以一滴泪滑过我的颊边,沿着他的手,滑入了他的袖中。我宁愿,什么都不要懂。有些事在最关键的那一刻做了错误的决定,就注定不会有好结果了。而那些事情应该深深埋在心底。翻出来只会造成二度伤害。我要的不多,真的。只要我们俩的秘密匿称只有我们知道,只有我们俩叫得出来,一起共有这个秘密,就够了。" Labels: Don't worry about copyright issues. Its been edited :) /
10:49 AM ![]() Do you know how it feels do cross yet another hurdle? The happiness that warms me from within, god, its indescribable. And this is how i feel right now(: All these exams are making me go crazy. Woke up at 6.45am today for my 2nd module's role play. When i thought i was 20mins late, i turned out to be 10mins early. MAYDAY MAYDAY. My flow for the role play was sucky to me and i kept stuttering and used the word 'ACTUALLY' umpteen times. To my (really big)surprise, i was praised. Except for the 'ACTUALLY' part of cuz. I think i was let off easily cuz i was the first for the exam :P But as im typing all this in the lounge, besides feeling freakin cold & waiting for jeron and popo, the feeling is still lingering in me. That surge of satisfaction. That moment of relief when all was over. Why? Let's backtrack. I've been scheduled for work on fri,sat,sun. Saturday night on the bus back,jeron called. J: spoony where are you we waiting for you to online to revise me: HUH WHAT?!? why so kiasu. i working all 3days, leave mon and tues to prepare. J: omg.....( i forgot what he said but you can imagine it ) i think im the only one on earth that can FORGET her exam, not to mention last time for ite graduation, i forgot the day as well. And a lot other significant things. After work on sunday, with a veryveryvery tired soul and self, i managed to to stuff everything into my head till 3am. My paper is on monday, not on wed(the don't need study one). OKAY OKAY. enough of my ranting ya? I wonder if anyone bothers to read even -.- haha, for my own memory lane. Caught ironman2 with jeron,paul,joelle,ben on monday after the written paper. ![]() ![]() I didnt catch the first one but i went for the second one just for the gang's sake but MAN, IT WAS GOOD!! The old me wouldnt watch this genre of movie and i dont know during which era that i started transforming. Dying to watch the first part! Now that im finally done with my exams. And i want that long-awaited rest............................................... *:* Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart
Monday, May 3, 2010 /
3:02 AM To that person who gave me life to this world, if you're intending to take it away, for instance, making me lose faith love and respect for you, you're doing a great job. A beautiful one to be exact. Quicken your pace. Stop wasting both my time and yours. Turbo up what you've been doing all these years. I'm tired of igniting hope again and again only to receive utter despair. Tonight, i mark the grave of my last glimmer of feelings for you. What tomorrow may bring, i'll always remember tonight. Gummy | As A Man [HD:MV] (ENG SUB)
Saturday, May 1, 2010 /
1:32 AM 2 reasons to watch this. 1) There's hyunjoong inside. 2) CUZ I RECOMMEND IT!!!! |