Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Sunday, February 28, 2010 /
5:55 PM 今天是元宵节YO~ 老妈子说谁都不可以出去或做工。 一定要在家吃饭! ![]() I think the concept of our BBQ is : Messy. haha! Anw, we could not wait till dinnertime thus we already had a mini round just now. Alright, this shall be a mini food post :D I think the kfc guy who served us either simply doesnt like Desmond, or he prefers me. LOL. No joke his chicken was THAT unhealthy looking! My very healthy icecream from Just Acia/Asia?? *wink wink to Binn and Jas Sushi+Liang Teh?? Undoubtedly MAAAA FAVOURITEEE!! Gosh ppl there's so much to eat at Somerset313's B3. When i need a bit of adrenaline pumping that'll be the place i head :> - ABRUPT END HAHAHHAHA - Why cant i look like her??? :[ .................... I think i look like them lah. Esp after i post this.. i think i just ruined my own life by showing you guys how i look like when im not out there on the streets. BYE! *zooms off Saturday, February 27, 2010 /
12:54 AM *Phew* To put things simply, went down to TMIS to process my application. Apparently the person i was supposed to speak to is still on MC, so they threw me to a someone else. Who isnt even sure why i was there, and made me all panicky, and in the end i wasnt so sure why i was there either. 1) Checked her laptop, click click click.. 2) Me sitting there, not even daring to breathe. 3)* STOMACH GROWLS * ohman.. wth.. 4) "Actually your application is still pending.."*silence* 5) "oh..." But in my mind, all i had was: WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL MY MOM??!? i felt like i could die. 5) * STOMACH GROWLS, AGAIN, CONTINUOUSLY * 6) After like 10mins, "Actually yours is confirmed already.." *silence* i felt like i had died and gone to heaven. 7) "oh..." 8) "So im just gonna get you to sign the students' contract and we're done here" *smiles* GREAT. Just perfect. I not only spoke like an idiot, my tummy didnt cooperate either. But im all good now! Cant wait to be a student again :D Went to meet both my brothers to catch this long-ago-should-have-watched-movie. It's pretty worthwhile to catch it! A very "family" movie to me and its the company you get that matters. HAHA! Undoubtedly you've seen this so MANY times in the trailers and all but still it doesnt give you a reason not to smile when this still appears! Gdnight Lovelies :> Thursday, February 25, 2010 /
12:22 PM After 3wks of tormenting my heart,soul&mind, i finally got the email i've been waiting for from TMIS!! 昨晚终于睡个好觉了!两点多就倒了~ Found my 2 look alikes yesterday. And just solely from yesterday's 造型. ![]() ![]() To think Binn was just mentioning it the other day, our tenants brought in already! ![]() ![]() Polaroids from Ah zi! HAHAHAH do believe your eyes. That particular shot was that dark cuz we GEH KIANG never put flash to try XD OKAY. THIS POST IS CUT SHORT CUZ IM GOING BONKERS OVER WHERE THE WHOLE CHUNK OF SONGS I JUST DOWNLOADED WENT?!?! Meeting 干爹 and Denise later, Ciao! Wednesday, February 24, 2010 /
3:01 AM 要找另一个三更半夜还不肯睡的白痴真的很难。我也真的快发疯了。我每天晚上都在想什么?不好好睡觉在干什么??So boy, dorawasseo jebal.. Thursday, February 18, 2010 /
9:33 PM Omo.. Didnt expect myself to go GAGA over Carebears. Bin Bin its you!!??!?!?! Though i dont think i will ever start a collection, but.. this is frustrating enough! get Rainbow bearbear one day since well, its pink, and has a rainbow!! But this fella 竟然出现了! The original fluffy version looks weird doesnt it O_O And its name is actually 'Work of Heart Bear'! Instead of 'Palette Bear'. Now tell me what should i do.. *thinking mode TURNED ON* 哈哈哈哈! 很奇怪对吧?? As much as i adore rainbows, this one looks.. Washed out?? Haha.. Shall stop here before i start posting pictures of carebears which i like and officially become a crazy fangirl ;D How was YOUR chinese new year spent? :> A night to remember.
Thursday, February 11, 2010 /
3:43 PM 10th Feb YaY. Too much to say. Thus i'll just post up this bearie cake to remind myself of today :> My fatball got himself a handphone recently cuz my laobu finally let him go home on his own. " You want Sorry Sorry or not? " " Dont want i want that Ring ding dong ring ding dong.. " " *Dances for him* That brring brring one want or not? " " Eh latest song TIK TOK TIK TOK TIK TOK want or not? " WAAAAAA. tell you all he dua pai until i needa play my songs and under his supervision, then i can bluetooth the songs to him. In the end his fave 3 is.. LACHATA, 10 OUT OF 10, PLEASE DONT GO. XD This is not the best yet. Look at his own ZILIAN photos. I admit defeat bro. You're too strong an opponent for me. Gonna head back to Msia tonight! Be back with 2kg of fats & lotsa photos! :> GONG HEI FATT CHOI~~ 生活里的烟花
Monday, February 8, 2010 /
12:56 AM ![]() Have been distributing ANGBAOs lately! Part of Cactus's latest promotional gig. WAAAAA SUPER PAISEH CAN. Smack middle of the crowd. Wearing green. Really bright green. Shy face. Super shy movements. But in just a short 30mins, you'll get to interact with people from all walks of life. This kinda thing, 必须亲身体验! I must be the laziest person on earth. But a smart one, nevertheless :D A gift that pops up out of nowhere. No special reason. No special occasion. Just cuz I LIKE IT? Joyce.. you are too good for words. Like i promised you&Vince, will study hard with all the love that im showered by you two. CUTE :> Ending this post with this REALLY FUNNEH PHOTO. Look Ma! Breakfast?
Sunday, February 7, 2010 /
5:06 AM Even i question myself why i'm still up at this unearthly hour. I can already hear that bird squawking so loudly. So crystal clear that it brings back vivid memories of those mornings i dread waking up to the sound of it. Those upper primary days. And secondary school days. 3years now since i've heard it. How blissful i feel to have heard it now. I can already feel the engines in those buses gearing up for a brand new day. Any moment soon i'm gonna hear them downstairs. I really wish that it was a weekday today. I could be freshening myself up now and whipping up breakfast for my siblings, and perhaps walk fatball to school. Make him so proud and happy that he'll probably go around telling his friends about it. *** Good morning people. Make the best out of your sunday:) And happy b'day SISTA! You make the best out of your not-everlasting youth. Go crazy. Thursday, February 4, 2010 /
12:43 AM ![]() Havent been yearning to gaze at photos of Lavender fields for sometime now. But the desire to has been bugging me for the whole day since the end of the interview. I was so so so elated, relaxed,and basically hopping around. The whole sensation lasted till dinner time, sad to say, when my true emo self pops up again. But still i had a most wonderful day, and thus the desire to post up my fave flowers :) 好了!!重点是~ Basically i went to TMIS today, applied, registered, interviewed! I didnt realise till when the interviewer said: I see a very cheerful and chatty girl. Chatty when you hit on the right subject that can make her come out of her shy-ness. Gawd for whole 15mins i was blabbering away about my job scope and even talked like friends with him(which i paid $107 for) when we touched on the topic of our store concept. 我神经会不会太粗啊!! But what made me literally want to jump with joy and offer him the mini M&Ms i had with me to survive the whole 2 hrs of the whole application process, was that, "There shouldnt be a problem with your application, you fit all the criteria for the course with your experience and all. we just have to wait for 2wks for the government to send us a letter and we'll notify you by then." Now, im gonna start my worrying wart mumba jumba for 2wks from now. I WILL SUBSTAIN PORK FOR 10DAYS IF IT IS WHAT I NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO GET MYSELF IN. 我可以的!! (Y) |