Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Friday, July 31, 2009 /
1:56 AM Everybody knows but nobody really knows. Thats how contradicting it is fer me right now. This love-hate situation is starting to take a toll on me. Its just like giving me one tight slap. And it has to happen when i just announced to the whole world how much i adore them. Which, i still do. Thats why i say i'm not just a loser. But a pathetic one. Just happened to come across this sentence : The dynamics of karma is working 24/7. That serious babe? You'd ask me. No i would say. But yet again, do something before i get engulfed in my own thoughts & emotions, along with a mixture from others. It is not OKAY. I'm not as OKAY as i portray to be. The grief that i have in me is equivalent to how empty you felt when Dumbledore was just gone in a simple flick of a wand. Silly you'll say. Now tell me the way then. The way to lead me out of this long accumulated mess. Funny it should seem that its JUST a retail job i'm having. Really? Ha ha. Maybe i should pull out my memories from my ear(or head. didnt see clearly) and pour them into a swimming pool and let you dive into it. No no a fish bowl is so not enough. Let you hear my thoughts? Sorry. Dumbledore left before i had a chance to ask for this skill. Like i didnt have any chances to figure out why i was sentenced to such unjust judgements and to fight back. But i thank you with all my heart my dear freako, for being there to clear my doubts and letting me in affairs which i shouldnt be acquainted with. You've done so much for me and i would most defintely hold it close to my heart. Enough said. Its wearing me out. Labels: yes i just caught harry potter today. Cactus <3
Sunday, July 26, 2009 /
11:44 PM Its gonna be a post filled with photos frm work! ^^ Havent got much stuff to blog about lately.. Okay thats a lie. Loads have happened. But well, its over!! And i'll be a re-energized Spoony soon! A very long overdue post for Staff-Training day LOL. ![]() Dont know why but so coincidentally someone shot this photo of me! i look so stressed huh! XD Firstly we gotta choose an angbao and act out one type of customer each. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hehe Von Candid!! Kevin is here as the.. rich and arrogant customer :D Upcoming is Jason and His Doodolls HAHA! ![]() ![]() ![]() This type of customer and staff im very sure you wont be able to see elsewhere :p ![]() ![]() Joyce&Derris[: Im pretty sure i can say we 3 make quite a great team at work. Cause they're both such awesome people, and SO AM I ! Woohoo~ ![]() Moo-Moo look alike day haha! What? Derris you say i look like barcode?? XD ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay im starting to agree. Shoot. Its 12.43 am now! And im gonna.. eat the chocolate my dear denise bought fer me. You know how much i appreciate having you at work :) Nites all! ![]() Friday, July 17, 2009 /
4:03 PM ARGGGGGGHHHHHH~ ![]() Too many things to write about, so Spoony's style emerges again, EVERYTHING CLUMP TOGETHER!! :D And this is one of my fave shirts to wear to Cactus. It glows!! *HYPER MODE NOW IDK WHY~* ![]() My dearest Denise;TongTong;Hero is officially a Cactee now! We took this on our way back frm her interview @ OC. These few days of bus-ing & mrt-ing home is full of our voices lah! haha! When she first said she wanted to work at Cactus, boy did i literally jump with joy. Greater days ahead!!<3 ![]() Smarty Spoony{: ![]() Wee~ i like this photo so so much ya know. *showed the photo to denise&jasbabe on mrt* Denise: 只有你才做这种怪怪的事情咯! Jas: 这就是她嘛..you know. Haha! I KNOW ;D And hor.. i realised, this is not the first photo that i added in mooosetache on my face. ![]() All the way back to when i was sec 2(or3??) Main purpose was actually to cover up my mole. Which i was always so self-concious about, ashamed of. This one counted? LOL! ![]() This one you guys must have seen sometime ago le bah, haha! Think my bro's gonna strangle me again for seeing this the 2nd time. ![]() ![]() Have been trying a lot of clothes in our store, thanks to joyce and jason for helping me take care of the store for like.....20mins? HAHA!! a lot to try on leh. I've been struggling alot whether to buy the 2nd set of clothes featured. Ive never tried this style before, and quite afraid it will backfire. But, its bought already!! XD ![]() And its official. SOMEONE has been stalking me for past yr, and realised how much i love tidbits and snacks. Thus he/she has set up a vending machine on the overhead bridge at Suntec!! i love you! whoever you are!! However due to the late timings i end work recently, ive been taking mrt all these while. Zzz. Wanted to blog about Staff Training Day, but shall leave it till Joyce send me all the photos[: 2 blog posts in 2days? Not spoony's style!! hehe. TADAAAAAAA~ Labels: to go or not to go?? Unfold them all
Thursday, July 16, 2009 /
1:29 PM ![]() Im really on the verge of breaking down. In simpler words, i do not want to feel the irritation whenever someone walks into the store. i do not want to attempt to greet my customers without ending up failing it miserably. i do not want to keep harping on why why WHY just some people can just shirk all their responsibilities with just a phone call or msg. It is not fair dear. Its bloody not. Does anybody know how hard i try every morning, trying to hold back my tears & refrain myself from thinking: "why am i doing this", and quickly force myself to get ready for work. Dramatic? Imagine yourself going thru the same phase 6days a wk for nearly 2 mths now. Trying to apply your mascara to as thick as possible to cover up for the tiredness of your eyes. Putting on lipstick and whatever moisturisers you can find to hide your pale lips. Brushing blushers so pinkish to enable yourself to look at least healthy, awake. It is not meant to be a chore you know. I want to look good, but not cause of this reason. But yet despite all these efforts, i still look dead. Meek smiles i can give, but the hype in me is missing. For the time being i can only hope. i do not want to "enjoy" my food in the way i am doing now too. Getting fast food almost for every meal, trying to gorge them down within 15mins. I want a proper meal, and to relieve how much joy food brings for me. I want to catch the movies which i intended to weeks ago. I want to go shopping, and not just buying clothes and acessories from my own store cause i dont even have the chance to step into other stores. Not effective timetable planning you say? I have no choice but to push all these thoughts & desires away because i cldnt NOT sleep as much as possible. Neither wld i want to meet my loved ones with a soul-less me. Its unfair. I cannot exactly say how much i appreciate those comforting msgs i receive every single day and time when i back out from the constant meet-ups. I will be fine, cause im TANGCHI. And cause i have so many people's unconditioned love. And because after typing all these out, i feel energized already. Good to go. See?? When you move fast they cant getcha... ![]() Will post more useful posts soon. Fighting!! ^^v Labels: dear ____, Lost count of the days we've been wasting Thursday, July 9, 2009 /
2:06 PM As i navigate to this page,
trying to continue on what ive started, i feel regret creeping inside of me. Its not like im doing something stupid or lame or anything. Its just that- do i really need this to let my loved ones know abt me? Im sure they understand me as well even without these all. But everything must you tou you wei bah[: Come on treat me as one of your fave stars for a moment or two, and read it with curiousity and excitement hahah!! :B [FAVES] 037. Food - Anything thats spicy and not bitter. Sushi! BUFFETS!! 038. Drinks - Homemade Barley+extra sugar syrup haha!! 039. Clothing - T-shirt & shorts 040. Books - Tough decision to make **this is not a book title!! XD 041. Music - You'll be surprised. I'll let you hear the next time we meet :) 042. Flower - LAVENDER 043. Colours - Hot pink, lavender purple, yellow. 044. Movies - 2002( dont ask me why. i HAVE NO IDEA) ** okay maybe subconciously i do [IN 2008] 047. Kissed in the snow - eh? not even in my dreams. 048. celebrated Halloween - oh i get treats almost everyday[: 049. had your heart broken - im not sure. it wasnt whole to start with. 050. went over the minutes on your cell phone - APA? 051. someone questioned your sexual orientation - nope. this yr have though. 052. came out of the closet - does it mean chu gui?? if yes, nope. 053. gotten pregnant - AW MAN. 054. had an abortion - Plain crazy. 055. done something you've regretted - Who doesnt. Not that i can rmb it now hah! 056. broke a promise - think so. 057. hid a secret - DUH. 058. pretended to be happy - Like definitely. Hard to conceal though, for me. 059. met someone who changed your life - More than one =] 060. pretended to be sick - erm anyone recalls me constantly in sick bay? ;p 061. left the country - yup. 062. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it - think 2008 was a wild year for me. 063. cried over the silliest thing - boy do i ever. 064. ran a mile - Probably for Napfa? 065. went to the beach with your best friend(s) - YESSSS ** THIS IS ONE OF THE LAMEST QUESTIONS **
066. stayed single the whole year - yeaaa. [CURRENTLY] 067. Eating - Nope. amazing? :) 068. Drinking - no 069. I'm about to - choose more songs frm the ktv set. 070. Listening to - Watch Me Shine(S.H.E) CLASSIC MAN! 071. Plans for today - Get someone to say i look chirpy today ^^ * hello im in hot pink outfit!
072. Waiting for - Francesca to come so i can go for lunch & toilet!! 073. Want kids? - DEFINITELY. ** OH WAIT WAIT. currently want kids??
074. Want to get married? - Haha crazy. Not now. 075. Careers in mind - Tour guide/tour leader/working in amusement park 076. Lips or eyes - huh what kind of qns is this?
077. Shorter or taller? - HUH AGAIN.
078. Romantic or spontaneous - Hopelessly romantic,98% spontaneous.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms - HUH HUH HUH. Is it me or you guys
dont understand the qns too? But why Eve and Meiwen you two can answer??
Okay i deleted a few qns cause they totally dont make any
sense under the "Current" section.
090. Yourself - Not really.
091. Miracles - Yea i do hold them close to my heart.
092. Love at first sight - Not really. Its just the attraction, it doesnt last.
093. Heaven - No one really knows.
094. Santa Claus - YES. dont know why.
095. Sex on the first date - Gawd no. Tuesday, July 7, 2009 /
6:04 AM SURPRISE! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() click here for more! :) steal a bit of ya limelight here... I am flying before I graduate! will be away from 24-26 July, and graduation is on 16th of Aug! **Ling-ers, if you are reading this, must come must come! * end of advertisement. hahahhaaha. take care babe! XOXO, Jas ;) Labels: BABE=D Monday, July 6, 2009 /
1:04 AM Gosh. How could i have been so daft. So sickeningly fell into it yet again when every single detail has been crystal clear. I know i know i'm talking in some morse codes but i cant help it. I need to put my thoughts into words. Once again i need this post to remind how it all happened. And why why why i'm typing this piece of novel of mine in the middle of the night when i should jolly well be asleep and get rid of all the IMAGES AND MEMORIES OF THEM! I'm a failure. Made a complete cow of myself. And. I could go on and on. THAM SHI MIN. i can just give you the 2bucks now. I dont see the point if even i receive the msg already. Go knock yourself out with the 2bucks. And take good care of that hoodie. You know what i'm capable of.. And this post? Yea. Its for you to read and jeer at me. Woohoo! Pieces of Me
Thursday, July 2, 2009 /
3:12 PM So here goes people. I promised and im gonna do it!! But. i guess it is fun, in a way{: Oh. i gonna separate them though. I think its gonna be very draggy if you read all at once. See? Considerate me. *beams* 001. Real name - Tham Shi Pinn(yes all people out there, a DOUBLE n) 002. Nickname(s) - AhTham,Pinny,Bin Bin(in chinese),Spoony,Shu Ni,Si Pun,Thammy,Sotong,Fairy,Mousey,Heroine,BianBian,Supoon?? 003. Star sign - Capricorn 004. Male or female - Female(yes i am..dont be shocked) 005. Elementary - Bedok South,Bedok View,Bedok Green Primary School **Not kena kicked out lah! Just transfer here and there den in the end, they combined during (my)P5 -.- 006. Middle School - Bedok Green Sec Sch 007. High School - Ite Clementi 008. Hair color - Black with shades of brown or hazel or whatever you call it. Natural de. 009. Long or short hair -Long 010. Loud or Quiet - Somewhere in the middle. Depends. *shrugs 011. Sweats or Jeans - Err.Shorts?? 012. Phone or Camera - This is silly but i want both of them combined. 013. Fruits or fried foods - Fried Food 014. Drink or Smoke? - i think alcohol is very bitter leh! and NEVER in my life will i smoke. Bet it upon my life. 015. Do you have a crush on someone? - Nope for now. 016. Eat or Drink - HELLO AINT IT OBVIOUS. Those who dont know my answer can.. well.. go watch a horror movie with me. You deserve it. 017. Piercings - Only ears. 018. Tattoos - Not at the moment, but wld love to get something like JaeJoong's[: 019. Been in an airplane - Yup yup. Quite a number. 020. Been in a relationship - Hmmmmmmmmmm. Nope. 021. Been in a car accident - Not life threatening ones. 022. Been in a fight - Dont think so.. YET. hehe!! 023. First piercing - 5 or 6 yrs old that time, i think. 024. First best friend - Nursery. Has the same birthday as me,and our families are close friends. But hell. It kinda fell apart as we grew up. 025. First award - Woah. How on earth will i rmb? 026. First crush - Primary One. 027. First fashion sense - I still dont have it. 029. Last person you talked to - Joyce! Im actually using her lappy now. Doing this during my break time. 30. Last person you texted - Jason 031. Last person you watched a movie with - Denise(as far as i can rmb, Night at the Museum2. YES i know, Damm long le. 032. Last food you ate - Sweet fish+salty veg+curry pork rice bought by Richard-San! Our dear BadTasteBears tenant. 033. Last movie you watched - Zhong Hua Ying Xiong( On MioTv) 034. Last song you listened to - Xiang Cao Ba Bu (playing on the ktv set now!) 035. Last thing you bought - Loreal Liquid Foundation+Maybelline Mascara (Yst! Last day of Watsons sales!! LUCKY ME) 036. Last person you hugged - Ah Fei Dearie Okay i gotta go back to work, BAXIAAAAAAAAAA!! ;D |