Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 /
8:29 PM I breezed through my past posts and boy, those images captured, those memories seemed to make a beeline for my brain. I think i've achieved what i wanted when i decided to start a blog. To be able to reminisce, and embrace all the good & bad i've been through. I'm not sure if the same ol' spoony is still blogging the way her heart wanted to. One thing i'm certain, my blogskin hasnt changed since November. 天啊~↲And.. I'm so afraid of succumbing to something which i know i might very well regret. Why? Why is mankind so vulnerable? And as much as i want to continue thinking of what to write, i cant. Cause.. I smell food. And talking abt food, i really can kill myself for being so contradictive. ↲I complain about not much choices of food in OC, but yet nagging abt the same food i face everyday in MS, which usually leads me to about 15mins of deciding what to have when it comes to lunch or dinner time. Le sigh. Go figure women. ↲I'll be back soon i promise. Now tell me. How do you define soon.. ;D ↲*I'm not sure how this post will turn out to be cause i'm blogging with my phone. It was an impulse action, so if everythin is clumped tgt, the fonts are incredibly dull and colorless, Apologies. And now finally, FOOD!! <3 * L for Love, L for Lies.
Friday, June 19, 2009 /
6:05 PM Okay i know all of our ling-ers have da photos with them. The ones with my oily face and zhao gerng ones. HAHAHHAHA. Seriously lah! Not yet fit to be a 淑女. So im just gonna post a few here.The rest you all enjoy lah. HAHAHHAHA XD ![]() Can anyone tell me whether my peepers are opened? Cause i most definitely dont know. ![]() ![]() ![]() Eve the 金发美女 :D We ADORE our jackets a hell lot. But i think Jas loves it more den i do though ;) And here's one of the million reasons why i adore Dongbang. They're real. So close to us. So similar to us in so many ways, yet able to touch our hearts in so many other ways too. Hopefully i'll be catching Dance!Subaru. YES YES, cause of Dongbang :) But im sure the movie's own plot is gonna be great too. Gotta blast! VANNESS HOTTIE :* TEEHEE~
Monday, June 15, 2009 /
12:59 AM Fabulous. My phone was miraculously(wonder if spelled correctly) able to switch on. The only buttons i could press were the up down left right in the middle of my keypad. And down is my contacts ma. So furiously i went penning down the numbers. (my contacts are in phone, and there's no way i cld create another miracle by pressing some buttons to somehow copy my contacts to my sim card) And i furiously switched on my com to save all my stuff frm my memory card. Jasbabe, is this all what this morning was about? Aiding you in so many different ways. He's so close.. ya know.. and all. God knows(: oooo. Cliche. I havent had so much joy for a while now. Though the sleazy mode in morning and all, VANNESS WU YOU THIS GODDAMN HOT CREATURE. I NEED THAT SONG OF YOURS. And kbox session with my lovelies. And the delicious JustAcia meal with jasbabe, rena & gang. And my deteoriating appetite(ate lesser than jas O_O!?!) And the endless camwhoring, finding perfect angles, lighting, position. Ya la we not as superb as XX but our photos worth a lot too okay! MUAHA. ***Ghosts of girlfriends' past & I love you Man*** SEND ME SOME SIGNALS THAT YOU WANNA CATCH DA MOVIE WITH YOUR BRAINWAVES.(no phone ma!) Sunday, June 14, 2009 /
12:56 AM dear all. My handphone's dead. Gone. And my lil bird brain can only contain my house phone number and denise's. Damn pro right. :) I'm so dead. Why? Even my sim card died. I'm going to knock myself out after this post so dont bother to find ways to contact me. I dont even know where to start locating all my numbers. So long.. My friends.. Playboy Cops.
Friday, June 5, 2009 /
5:08 PM ![]() ![]() I caught this on tv with my dad last night. I've always felt uneasy with my dad. Well, not close. Always uptight and unable to show the real me in front of him. I've always not been the type to cling on to my parents and do those cutesy stunts. The more i want to as i grow up, the more regretful i get. The times and moments when i was young, i should have learnt how to 撒娇, how to ask for things, how to ask for forgiveness without shedding like a million pails of tears and still keeping my mouth tight shut, unable to 低头. I really just cant do it. You know when's the first time i actually opened my bloody mouth to say 'iloveyou' to my mum? Think it was only bloody 2yrs ago. And it was like.. during a joking mood among my family at that time. But how difficult it was for me to even stutter those words, i bet nobody knew. However as i grow up, i start to understand and decipher well the silent moments i have between me and my dad. The constant lil wake ups when i reach home, reminding me to finish up the food left for me. The lil scoldings and questionings why i was so late. The chidings i got when it was late night and i was still watching tv. The simple flicking on of lights for me to watch tv, even though he cant sleep well with lights on in the living room.(We dont close bedroom doors in our family) The visits to me and siblings' bedrooms in the middle of the night. 我懂。我真的懂。 My dad isnt good at expressing himself. He wants us to excel in school, i know he means well when he scolds us, lectures us for hours. He wants us to be good people, wants us to understand where is his 出发点. I wldnt say the methods he uses is brillant. Acceptable to us kids. But i also want him to knows that, im no longer a kid as well. I may be a blunder in aspects of everyday life, but.. im sure in days to come, i'll hopefully be the daughter that you wished for. Wah. So long winded hor. But i mean every of it. Hoping one day as i re-read this blog post again, it will send some shivers down my neck. OHOH, back to movie wise, Jingle Ma is one of those few few directors that i take note of. His movies always end up in a surprising twist which works wonders for me. There's one part of the movie that left me thinking for sometime. "找爸爸请按1号,想要讨钱请按2号, 要秘书安排和爸爸见面请按3号" Vaguely like this lah. Yes its true to some that the saying goes: the richer you are, the lesser you get. And wanna know my dad's 经典台词? "看一个戏也要eee eee ahh ahh" Haha. Still cant change my habit. Hooked on to 'Halo' lately. Cant shake the tune outta my head. oOooowWWwooOoo~ Cotten Candy.
4:09 PM Another lazy afternoon, here i go again.. Lemme see what did i do this week.. Went Food Expo, unfortunately not with Hero. Though i see all the same food all over again, my mouth and brain just doesnt seem to mind. And!! i had my shy moments ;p ![]() CUTE OR NOT!!!?!?!(meaning the 大白兔 luhs) 它就是我们小时候最大的回忆啊~ Man. I swear all my memories of nagging my mum to buy these sweets and the constant questioning of : 为什么那个"纸"可以吃的huh? And do i look happy or what :)) Headed down to Sakura @Safra Tampines at night to celebrate my parents' anniversary. It's a indulgment for us hell yea. We're not very spendthrift type of family and imagine 6 people having buffet dinners for that kind of pricing..My heart aches man. AND NOT FORGETTING TO MENTION. ![]() This was my favourite dish, throughout the whole buffet. CRAP RIGHT. I know!! Well i shant continue my blabbering but, the meal wasnt that delightful, but it was warmmmmmmmmm :) Took photos with cam mostly. Not yet uploaded so must wait ahhhhh!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Got sequence one okay ;D ![]() ![]() ![]() hahahaha no dad. He doesnt like to pose for photos one lo. You'll see soon. I've always had complains about my family's imperfections..Jealous about those who has it all.. Not contented with the situations i've had. But in the end, nothing matters more than a simple tv show, some snacks and a living room filled with laughters. I wldnt say my road of growing up was wonderful, nor i didnt attain scars along the way. But till the end, im grateful with what i have, and had. |