Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Sincere Greetings,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 /
7:18 PM HOHOHO! Why it seems its that particular time of the year where it is most suitable to produce this sound! Thanks to Suhui's Starbucks coffee & Des's lappy, im able to type this entry with hopefully, wide-opened eyes. Yes im kinda having my break now but im no where near any food. ITS SO STRESSFUL THAT FOOD'S DA LAST THING ON MY MIND. The crowd just gets bigger & bigger every moment. SUAN LE. I shall not harp on it and dampen everyone's mood(: Its Christmas Eve everyone! Though im not really the xmas kinda person, i feel that it shd really be a day you spend with your loved ones. Its great though to see everyone's contented faces when they receive presents from their friends or when they meet their friends. (and thats probably very precious cos everyone's busy with so many things & its so rare that friends meet up) Okkayyyyy i gotta go back to working. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYY! (tmrr) i love you all~ ![]() MUST-READ POST ;D
Sunday, December 21, 2008 /
3:42 PM You saw my post title. Dont jia jia hor! So now you must carry on reading.. * O_O i must say my lame-ness has been taken to another level. * 19thDec Yes, like finally, i met up with dear Ling-Ers(((((: We were supposed to give Binn a surprise, saying that i was too worn out from work and that Jas had some church stuff at night so cldnt make it last min. Info from Eve was that, dear Binn was so considerate about my situation. She stated that i indeed was looking very tired frm my work and didnt blame me at all.. *so sweet* But apparently she was pissed that we made her wait that long to find out we cldnt make it, HEE. But te surprise was carried out brillantly :D Binn was super embarassed but i know belly touched also nah! ![]() HAHA, glaring at Jas for keeping her in suspense fer all these. Cos we didnt reply her calls & msgs you see ;p ![]() Happy belated birthday dear taitai! Hope you can rmb this in the long run cos we definitely will{: ![]() Whats this??! ' A leopard never changes its spots ' Very true indeed.. Right after cutting the cake, i was heading towards the herbal chicken, which its aroma has been tempting me right from the start! Jas babe also joined in becos she was hungry too and we feasted on it till te very end ;) And as i said.. I will put some words in the blank space, WAHAHHAHAHAHA~ ![]() Next! Went to Pasir Ris park fer some cycling. Damm, it was perfect. Though our hair were flying in all sorts of directions and everyone looking unglam, I LOVED IT. Being able to feel the breeze once in a while after working your ass off for countless months, it truly makes you feel blessed. HAHAH, very kua zhang here? Pls understand me.. Im deprived of a lot of things.. XD ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now thats what im talking about :p Alright alright. Xue png i wont ruin your reputation by posting those cutesy photos of yours. Im a considerate soul ya know(: Okay. Maybe just one! ^^ Headed down to some HK street cafe in E!Hub for our dinner. She bought 2 cups ya know. i really wanted to roll my eyes. 50cents for a cup of water and mind you, it might have just been tap water. OKAY LA. I KNOW I BELLY AUNTIE. Fancy cups they use though(: Dont need to emphasize on this photo le la. I LOVE KIDZXZXZXZXXZ! After going on our separate ways i went to meet my Denise! Dear denise jiejie brought me to The Cheesecake Cafe to chill out(: Too bad i didnt take photos.. the ambience there was wonderful~ Next time let shipinn jiejie bring you go kkay? HAHAHHAHAHA! From human destruction to HawPar Villa to married life to secondary sch life to girly stuff to really lame jokes. If only we had all day, we would even talk about how to build a rocket. Well, who knows(: Phew im so worn out. From blogging. I shall go to LaLa Land soon. Get enough sleep so tmrr i can be well-prepared for my one-week battle! HWAITINGGGGGGGGGGGGG ^^v Thursday, December 18, 2008 /
12:57 AM Its been longgggg folks. Ive got tons of things in my head running. Ive got a lot to write actually. But once those feeling passes by, its really quite redundant to spell it out anymore. '你一定有哭的,你不哭你不叫Shipinn' Yep, and so i did. But, over jiu over le. All i needa do is get a haircut and get myself going. Right. Couple of things happened just during the past wk. Too much to mention. So i guess i'll just keep it to myself. Selfish? HAHAH. Fine, i'll let you in a little (: 1) Caught Twilight with some of my boys. I really appreciate the fact that after so long, you guys still rmb me, and nvrr once did you guys complained abt my absence during every outing, but continued to 'date' me whenever possible. Very deeply appreciated(: Took a group photo, but im too ugly to be shown. HAR HAR. Shall keep it to myself. Here's Ziwei though! ![]() 2) My bro's, Meiwen & Binn's bdae fell on this wk. There's a great year ahead of you guys. I'll cherish every moment i'll be having with you all. ![]() 3) I've started work at Cactus. Everything's kinda overwhelming. And sad to say my appetite has gone from bad to worse. Hopefully i'll be shedding some weight? ;p But i must perservere and show that i can do it. (Lame ah?) AH THAM IS STRONG ONE. Zzzzz. Gonna embrace my bed soon. Sorry if my post bored you..(im sure it did) Im just here to let you guys know, Im Alive. Thursday, December 11, 2008 /
9:55 PM All my hard work will be paid off one day. I truly believe((: BAXIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! thanks babe!
Monday, December 8, 2008 /
1:53 PM ![]() I love you babe! thanks for all the care and concern these few days. Appreciate it much! =) XOXO, Jas Labels: thanks babe Happy Bdae Gang Dearest,
Saturday, December 6, 2008 /
6:16 PM 6thDec is a very important day. Its LIM ZHENG GANG's birthdayyyyyy! :D See! so big. Happy or not?! HAHAHAH. Im so so sorry abt the 不适合你 date thingy. Hope you'll be having a good laugh while reading this but, i still think 5th or 7th suits you better leh LOL. Met Gang, wei and cryst @ bedok platform this morning, heading off to chinatown for DIM SUMMM! Crazy way to celebrate a birthday XD Even thinking abt it now makes me laugh. Found ourselves entering this cosy little dimsum shop.. with all MEN WORKERS? i know you're curious.. ![]() * Being human means we are all susceptible to making mistakes. Taking illegal drugs is such a mistake that can destroy a man and his future. However, there is always hope for anyone looking to change their lives. The Breakthrough Cafe was set up by Breakthrough Missions with the aim of helping ex-offenders rehabilitate and reintegrate back into society. As part of their rehabilitation programme, these gentlemen now work at the cafe, serving up quick and delicious meals. Breakthrough CaféOperating Hours: Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm Sat: 7am - 3pm(Closed on Sun and Public Holidays) Address:101Upper Cross Street People's Park Centre#01-02 * http://www.breakthroughmissions.org/VRtour_cafe.html As you see it, the concept for this cafe is FAB. the link above enables you to take a look at the cafe and see what its like. The food quantity was just right,(but never enough fer me) The four of us spent the whole morning munching and chit chatting and the bill was only $39.40?? Verdict? Well the food wasnt exactly gourmet but it was good enough(: There's something abt the cafe i cant exactly name it.. 可能是看见大家很认真,很努力的想要把 自己想悔过的心放在工作上那种感觉。。 Why dont you give it a try someday? Nowww, PICTURES TIME! i know you'v been waiting for this, i know..*shy* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for understanding me, not able to meet up so frequently. I cherish every outing dearly. Lastly, I LOVE YOU LIM AH GANG{: *HUGZXZXZ* Tuesday, December 2, 2008 /
1:50 PM BOOYA! heehee Ling Ers will definitely be shocked to see me updating so frequently recently eh? :) Caught Quarantine with eve, binn & caspar yst. Once we stepped into the cinema, i regretted. it was HORRIBLE. except for us, there were only (if im not wrong) 2 other girls and around 3 to 4..uncles+aunties?? Blardy weird. Not to mention totally freaking me out. As expected.. i screamed throughout, with binn! LOL. Frankly speaking im not sure why i went to watch it. Ive already watched REC, and only some scenes have a few changes here and there.. but yea. Maybe i was drunk or something.. hmm :X But surprisingly, it was good! Even better then REC i can say. Though we already know when the gore and action comes in, we still enjoyed ourselves{: And DEAR EVE, thanks ah. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID. Now about Wildchild, its definitely a must-watch for girlzxzx if you want a little bit of bitching,snogging and tear-ing. My verdict? It was not wild enough *yawn I expected loads, but nevertheless, i still managed to laugh wholeheartedly(and loud enough) and shed tears in the end. If you can rewind with few of your girlies and have a little food fight with bits of popcorns here and there..sure! why not{: After some twirling and turning around, giggling at a few kids making their own teddies, checking out a HELL lot of hp shops, and saying HI to some unrecognisable new urban male guy, *HAHA EVE YOUR FAULT AGAIN* we headed to Superdog for.. burgers. YES. blardy burgers XD ![]() HAHA. dont know what i was so high about. ![]() More movies my babes! P/S: Jenniferrrr, NONO. Brieanna, i love your look here! And Jas, plzxzxz get well soon so we can have your laughters again. We really do miss it{: |