Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 /
7:30 PM WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. KIM JAE JOONG 金在中 HERO IS GOING TO FRENCH-KISS A IN SOME DRAMA. oh man you might as well shoot me. Friday, October 24, 2008 /
4:52 PM *ATTENTION READERS, HELL LOTTA PICTURES! PLS DONT FORCE YOURSELF TO READ COS ITS FULL-OF-MY-FACE :B* i forgot when were these photos taken but, who cares anyway(: another boring 3hrs in RNT, means a time for us to camwhore! first up's MEIWENNN~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() finally, a normal looking one ^^ ![]() just wanna thank youu again for the chats we had during OIT lessons. contents shall be kept secret! ;) Jasmine's up nextt! HAHHA, sounding like a show. & we're trying our best to be emo, really. okkay i guess.. mission failed? (: oh who's this? apparently, a very shy Qibin who only wants her QQ hair shown :D we were having this etiquette class the other day and the guys were supposed to learn how to put on ties and.. do a catwalk! i think the best one in a tie is Jon. his height won him some points(: Shafeeq, our class joker, as you've seen! HAHHAAH! everyone was like going: 'Ben looks like MacDonalds' manager siaa!' and.. i AGREE :D and Meiwen tryin to avoid my cameraaa hee! guess i'll just end the post with lil' me(: Smile everyone, even a faint one will do(: Monday, October 20, 2008 /
7:49 PM 17OCTo8 met up with denise my hero today. shopped at bugis street before we went home to change and carry out our night activities. you should be amazed at her speed of shopping. HAHA! improves every now and then. we caught up with each other and bitched abt everything that's happened recently to both of us. its always heartwarming to know that our love has only been strengthening and not losing the magical touch(: we decided to catch 20th century boys at e-hub, which was one HUGE mistake. was already kinda surprised when she chose that movie, cos its so-not-her-type lah! HAHA! as it was already kinda late at night , she fell asleep. ~~~ but being the curious and kaypoh me, of course i have to finish the movie with strong determination ! :D overall , it was kinda lame. some kids writing an imaginary book(?) with some baddies or aliens or freaks trying to destroy the earth, only to discover that it was all coming true. but since i watched the first part le , have to go on watching right ? thats the asshole part lah. you keep watching, they keep earning $$$. but then, it was my first midnight movie and i gave my di yi ci to denise :D i'll definitely be remembering it. and pictures to relieve our memories, as always[: ![]() ![]() ![]() okkay you're probably sick of me by then cause all my poses are the samee. very tired leh! here's something. HAPPY? :B you're the sunshine who makes me smilee<3 Sunday, October 19, 2008 /
2:54 AM today was real weird. suddenly i was seeing all the people i havent seen in a loooooooong time. #kaiming #kairui #ziwei #yan cong #aloy #weilin #some hi-bye sec sch ppl thanks to whoever , whatever you are. 谢谢你让我好过一点. shall update abt my crazy date with dearest hero , soon! (x Saturday, October 18, 2008 /
2:45 AM this is one of dongbang's latest perf! the reason why im posting this is, i just wanna let you guys know why i adore this group so much. they've been through a lot, which led them to where they are now. and i do think they deserve it. watch this- you'll know what im blabbering about. 100% no lipsynching(LIVE) dances fantastically while singing beat that(: 这就叫做实力。 Thursday, October 16, 2008 /
11:44 AM DA GEI HO ! shipinn spoony pinn thammy tangchimei is currently very proud of herself. cos she completed changing her blogskin all by herself!! WAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! who wants to gimme a prize?! a kinder bueno will do! :D okkay that was dumb , but im still really happy. yea this skin is kinda simple, but its SUPER COLORFUL~ the way i like it (: and its nt childishhhhhhh! okkay maybe a little. ok nah. but i still got a teeny weeny problem which might need jasmine nt the green tea to help me =X which i know she will !! HAHAHAHA! the stupid date and time thingy lah. THANKS IN ADV. hahha super HOU LIAN PI can. *dammit! jus listened to a video frm youtube. some fans calling jaejoong, micky and yunho. and they recorded it down. EFFIN LUCKY LAH THEY. got to speak with them!!!??!?! okkay. i wont do such things to disturb them, to invade in their privacy. i wont ?! I DONT KNOW! its a once in a lifetime chance bebay! well micky sounded quite pissed , esp with his 'please dont call me back alright' with such absolute fluent english and sexay voice! but jaejoong was sooooo cute! he said something like : you guys will be with me right ? fans:YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!! ultimately, dongbang were super nice! the girls nt only called them once but THRICE yet they still picked up the phone and talked to them. yunho sounded like he jus woke up and his answers were soo cute :D actually i dont blame the fans. who can resist it ? they sounded totally cute at times too for example when one of them heard yunho's voice. she was practically dumbfounded , hah. seriously, if it were me , i wldnt know what to do too. maybe send a msg ? OMGGGGGG SO NOT COURAGEOUS. *currently stuck in a stupid dilemma.* Tuesday, October 14, 2008 /
8:05 PM O-M-G for the past 2 hrs ive been looking at dongbang's new album pics. and gosh. i feel like sucha pervertttttt!! they're like FLASHING their body most of the time, E-S-P jaejoong ! i've oogled , drooled , satiated. gosh you see!! im sucha pervertttt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yes he've outdone himself again. sigh* ![]() ![]() but the thing is , i enjoyed every moment of the oogling {: and in case you havent heard, my classes are frm 8am-5pm everyday now. so, dont piss me offffffff. i dont really know what i'll do. hahhahahahahahha! but im reallie glad to relive the old times with LING-ERS again!! SukiYaki this friday babesssssss :D *off for more eye pleasure from joongie~ Friday, October 10, 2008 /
12:10 AM 某一天, 我跟某一个女生, 叫什么AH YAN的, 去看了某个电影, 叫什么‘画皮’的。 感觉还不赖哟(: 为什么写华文呢? 我也不懂耶~ 好啦,少哈拉了。 havent hang out with dear ahyan for a looooong time. you shd have seen her expression when i said: ahyan你明天要出去吗? she was like: *shot up her hands* 要!!!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHAH~ its always very 轻松 when i go out with her. its like we've been neighbours ever since .. forgot :X the main thing is , we've almost seen all of our 丑态 lor. when you're with her, you never have to 'conceal' anything. so we went to our usual hangout , plaza sing(: we actually had to flip a coin to decide our movie! well wanted to watch the indian movie what magic de .. but well .. HAHHAHA. another thing is, she can bear with my noisiness during movies! we were desperately trying to catch that green fellow over there. wasted a few bucks each. so now, im learning to be contented with my unnie(: O-M-G. we never have to plan anything special, lets be neighbours forever[:
Thursday, October 9, 2008 /
12:29 AM 怎样的雨,怎样的夜, 怎样的我能让你更想念. 雨要多大,天要多黑才能够, 有你的体贴. Saturday, October 4, 2008 /
12:11 AM the list of (bad)things i got from work: - muscles on thighs - deprived sleep - lesser time with loved ones - suckier(?) life - too much to list the list of (good)things i got from work: - money - smiles and thanks - tell me about it. ALOHA. this is gonna be a COLORFUL post. becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. just had a bad day. everything was almost solved, but some idiot ate the kinder bueno i got from deanny. which was supposed to be the 'antidote' that totally busted it. after like a gazillon years, i finally saw LEXUAN, JOOYEE , DOREEN, DEAN today :D but it wld be a wonderful picture if we had ... D****E. you know :/ argggggggggh im like going to eat my curry bun and noodles and chocolates and my hot chocolate oh maybe some marie biscuits before i go off to lala land. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. this is like such a stupid post i feel like deleting it but , cos . i wasted such a long time writing this crap, its a waste (: GEE WHATEVER. at least you know how stupid im feeling. toodles. |