Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Last words as a 19 yr old »DA JIE DA. Forever. »Blood ties. »Ding a ling a ling »You(all are) what keeps me up at 2.02am »Pinky promise. »Happy daze. »299th. »I wonder how they sleep at night. »It's never too late for changes. July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Thursday, August 28, 2008 /
9:18 PM im very very very happy today. im filled with happiness today. my happiness is overflowing today. HAHHAHAHAHHA~ it has been one wk since lee un's departure. i believe he gave me something today. i know its crazy, i know its dramatic. but, WHO CARES =D im gonna have a long post with super lots of pics soon! my dearest all, IM DOING GREAT(: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 /
8:59 PM i know its gonna sound damm stupid. i know my moods have been darn weird. i know i shdnt even let my emotions be swayed by this. i know i know i know. but every night when i close my eyes. i see his silly smile. and my tears flow like.. life's inveitable. but.. why? in these 2 yrs this have been like the 3rd or 4th death news ive been receiving. the feeling really sucks so so much. the news reallie came like a bang to me. this kind of thing. URGH. i just want to shout it out loud so much. but i know even ranting about it wont be of any help. i want to hug my close ones everyday. Lee Un................. rest in peace? i dont know.......... im just so not happy at all everyday. Sunday, August 24, 2008 /
12:04 AM firstly before i forget, i just realised that my title for my posts are not shown. and my previous posts i dunno where to click to read them nehzxz. LOLS. thanks again to jas , wen & binn for creatin this blog fer me. these blog stuff i reallie CATCH NO BALL. hais. anyone can help ? :X MEIWEN the food specialist came with her family to belly's today. woo was i anxious about it. cos she will take pics and write reviews abt it you know?! super pro that kind (x but didnt have much time to linger around cos had a crowd, had to help out :X hahha! interested de hua , go read her blog (x actually i oso dunno why i blog. hmmmmmmmm. so let me crap abt few stuffs. olympics' ending tmrr. how many days i've caught it on tv ? maybe arnd 15mins. watch 2 guys playing badminton and man, did i laugh so hard watching one of them play and i was going : WALAO EH EVEN I CAN GO OLYMPICS LIAO. WHAT HE DOING !? AIYOH VERY STUPID SIA. heee! i miss jaejoong's 经典 smile sooooo much! ![]() where else can you find a guy who laughs like this!? YOU TELL ME, YOU TELL ME XD and ohmy. suju's looking so .. out of shape. ![]() so skinny! first dongbang , now them. if they keep on losing weight like this. all the cassopeias and elves will xim tia leh. woo i gotta sleep now or else i'll be greeting the customers with panda eyes tmrr D: I'VE BEEN CRAVING FOR SUSHIIIIIIIII FOR SO DARN LONG! no time! ): BUSY BUSY BUSY.
Saturday, August 23, 2008 /
12:32 AM yeeehah! first let me start out with some pics :D ive reached the stage that i can only rmb my on-goings these days by looking at my pics , LOL. so , pls bear with this long post ,cos it might last some time,hee! so back to the day i met myhero & being the cakegirl XD hahha! i super pathetic can. until now still havent blog abt my macau trip. i told wen: im just gonna post my pics & let my readers imagine the events themselves HAHA! ![]() ![]() mine,mine,MINE! :D WAHAHHAHA~ you know dear, the cotten candy around you is OVERFLOWING. control it pls (x and i kope-ed the pics frm jas's blog :D ![]() i told ya she was shocked =D ![]() jas,jessy,rulan! ![]() very pretty and mature looking huh she =) she's coming to belly's this sat or sun! cant wait to see her~ speaking of belly's , dear jasmine has been coming down 4/6 days! HAHHAHA! very cute leh! but im very happy cos she likes the food there[: simon , and clement very happy also heeee~ BUT clement has been forcing me to drink this thingy! it tastes actually quite nice , fizzy and sour, but! the smell very weird. smells like coriander ( yan sui ) to me :X den i have to hold my breath just to drink this thing; supposedtobe vitamin C. hehehehhehehehe! okkay so jump jump skip skip to some pics :D i reallie feel like i have binn's pose in here ley :X HAHA! woohoo plaits day! binn taitai & me tryin to act innocent you know, LOLS! i even wore it to work hehehehhehe. do not think twice. it reallie is JOLIN. dunno wth happened to her leh! reallie shocking. and ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. R.I.P 李言 Lee Un the one who acted as hwang min yeop in coffee prince, alwaes going after his 'angel'. yea. i dont wanna talk much abt it or else . i wont be sleeping. ![]() and darn! ive been waiting so long for this :D MATSU JUN ! WAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE` oh and deanny came to look for me yst[: his look ? super emo+rocker style. cannot stand him LOLS. at first i thought whoo! got 2 guys escort me home. but they throw me behind and chit chat themselves. GUYS. but , he's the same old dean. alwaes know what im thinking. and todae! baby wei and ahfei came to belly's too[: didnt have chance to talk much or take any pics. stupid cashier keep having problems zzz~ sorry ah i know im super random but i wanna blog these down becos .. my brain memory decreasing. i have to find somewhere to store my memories. to end offffffffffff , here's XIAOWEN =] Unwiilingness.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 /
9:26 PM ![]() i cant help but relate myself to this girl. its like .. you can hardly be on your feet but you still dont wanna let go of certain things. life's like this. but ive been goin through this kind of torment fer too many times that im so so sick of it. i havent been updating cos have been busy with work[: im tired , but very very happy *winkwink i know i shdnt be stepping over some line but, who knows what may happen. i just try to be myself everyday and await the surprises of life i may get[: okkay lets talk abt today. LOL. went down to marina to help jas be cake girl ! HAHAHHAA. got to know 2 new friends! rulan&jessy[: rulan is super niceee! its like when we talk we behave like we've known each other for so long[: jessy's today's STAR. rulan and jas celebrate her belated bdae today. woah u shd have seen her expression when i carried the cake & walk towards them :D SUPER CUTE. hope to meet up them soon ! myhero came with her loverboy too! took some pics but pics with her ley. at this time she's sure to be still with him ;p will post it sometime! i cant wait to go work everyday until .. i dont wanna go sch. *wen's gonna nag again when she sees this :X these past few days , ive experienced so much things. SO MUCH. you know you know ? BABY WEI =)
Friday, August 15, 2008 /
3:57 PM 140808 whoots. had sucha long and rough day. think i should categorize them =] MORNING *met derrick & ziwei for breakfast at mac at 6.15. super early can! havent been up so early in such a long run. but wei was late and he only met derrick for less then 15mins , lols. it reallie was quite a bad idea becos frm 7-9am , i had totally no idea what to do. class doesnt start till 1o ! so, we used wei's laptop to take some pictures :D might look a bit shag, DUH. its 7 in the morning. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() im a witch , rugby player & rawrr! im a pirate! :D AFTERNOON *after waiting for him for 2 hrs at tm mac for his class to end , desperately trying to use wireless, but still couldnt , we decided to watch 12 lotus at e-hub! hahha dont laugh k. its our appreciation for CULTURE. besides the teens we saw yst were far more for 881 . well i wldnt say its bad .. but , after such a great movie like 881, people tend to ask for something better than the last. i can still distinctingly rmb the details of 881 but, if you ask me how 12 lotus was now , i dont even know how to tell you anymore, hee :X AND AFTER SO LONG FINALLY - HANA YORI DANGO FINAL IS OUTT !! 44444444444444SEPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ! :D HAHAHHAHA super high! will watch it with my daughter minghui ^^ before the movie we ate pastamania, and roamed around for like .. 1hr+ i was telling wei : 'the people around us must be betting on how many times we took the escalator up and down. LOL.' we looked so pathetic, desperately tryin to find something to do. but we entertained ourselves with MR SPONGEBOB! see? he OBVIOUSLY is thrilled to be so close to me :D a lot more pics but i looked too excited, haha! 我要保持形象的leh! i told wei : 'those micky mouse look like they got fungus all over . YUCK.' but he told me : 'those are cactuses you dumb!' :X NIGHT *after the movie we ACCIDENTALLY bumped into myhero & her loveboy =) do you know how torture it is to wake up at 5 and even after having fun , you still have to go down to marina square for a job interview. i reallie dont wish dont want dont have to take up the job. but cos the uncle last time at dt east quite nice to me, thats why i dont know how to reject him. its this new stall at the marina square food court. they're tryin to gather popularity first , then try to attack the restaurants line. the food all looks yummy .. hmm . think that's the best catch for me[: okkay im supposed to go there and learn how to use their cashier. i arrived at 5 plus. i waited till 8 plus and THE FREAKIN MACHINE WONT WORK. my eyes were all bloodshot you know. i looked SOOOO pathetic. den in the end , i went home without learning anything. dammit. wanted to just head home and hit the pillows BUT the com said to me : 'you know you want to use meeeeee ~' evil huh . 150808 woke up with a super heavy head. totally couldnt sit up so decided not to go sch again :/ caspar treating meet dave movie you know ~~ HAIS. now , i have 10 mins before goin down to marina square for my work. so, take care people[: the weather's bad. AHFEI.AHFEI.AHFEI =]
Thursday, August 14, 2008 /
9:32 PM 130808 met ah fei dearie ! :D gosh its been such a looooong time since ive met her. then again, i havent met a lot of my friends for a loooong time :X busy busy busy. one short joke to share ferst ^^ ah fei went to buy fake eyelashes . she was comparing the eyelashes when one of the sales auntie came and said: 那个没有那么‘*虾’. * say it in hokkien she meant BLACK. we laughed SO hard! the best part was, the ladyboss also laughed along and said : 只是比较‘*鱼’罢了! lols that auntie is from philippines i think[: cute siaaaa. okkay to cut short , we went to that super nice ktv in bugis! *topone its her first time there so she was like : WOAH VELI NICE WORZ! hahah! it reallie is the best ktv ive been so far. so , we relieved the old times in between songs[: she's still as bubbly while im still as cute. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!! omg my skin thicker recently. hmm. ![]() ![]() ![]() :/
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 /
8:35 PM ![]() 看着她们的背影。。 我。。 两姐妹是要去那里呢? 为什么看起来那么寂寞?! 妈妈没带你们去玩吗!? 你们是不是很不快乐?! 还是。。 寂寞的,是我。 FamilyDay! :D
Sunday, August 10, 2008 /
9:35 PM Becos of one freakin dvd player & one freakin clock, my mum dragged everyone out today. her reason? scared we rot at home -__- okkay nvm i tried to make the best out of it. damm lots of samples in the mega giant @ tampines lah! HAHHA! *BINN TAI TAI. next trip is there le! ;p we 4 ke lian de siblings took quite some pics today. nvrr been so bonded LOL. no lahh. just that my sista and brother CAMERA SHY wor. same like that ninja tootle rui (x bluff one only lah heheh! but only post 2 cos others reallie image ruining. quite a boring day though. but i saw this! will buy for my kids one day :D i blog becos of one reason. myhero msged me : how was your day ? so .. i 卖关子ask her read my blog XDDD samsoon fever still LIVES. heh! this reminds me of QiQi's bdae arnd.. 2 yrs ago? havent met her in a longgggg time :X ![]() my sis .. she saw this and said : "I LIKE ! ... i so happy you know. ... eyes only." damm her. wapiang i freakin pissed off with my fonts lah! it doesnt turn out the way its supposed to be, and its all joined together like thattttttttttttttt. someone help!! !#%$^&*@ o8.o8.o8!
Saturday, August 9, 2008 /
5:29 PM sorry , i seem to backtrack all my posts ;p think i'll be doing this most of the time too, heh! after sch supposed to meet up with wei&gang at dt east. but ended up goin to tp find them. them= germaine,shixuan,kristina(christina?),zijing,weeyang,wei,gang. LOL. *HERO! i saw MUAJI :D but erm, he looked different (x* walked to safra for bowling but no lanes. went for billard instead oso no tables. then kolia came along & we ended up goin to weeyang's hse. hahha! met shengwei too[: long long time didnt get to see bgss peeps le. dunno for what reasons, the guys started playing monopoly & the girls watch tv and walk around. THEN, cryst, zhenhao&karwee came along. after much discussion we ended up at 85 for dinner at around 7+ ok i dont know why i post this post . maybe i do. cos its 08.08.08. at least need to write smth. haha! but its nice to spend such a day with so many people[: the bunch of unrealistic people in hope of hitting the jackpot *sigh SENG JIK CHU KAH EH , SINGAPOREEEE! [: My Hero;TongTong ;DeniseDailyDosage (L)
Friday, August 8, 2008 /
11:16 PM she's the one. answers to my life,my everything. without her, there wldnt be me in this world, facing everyone with who i am. she taught me how to be strong, to let out the true soul in me. all these yrs we've been stuck to each other so much that, i almost cant survive w/o her. its not a habit, i know it. its alreadi a want , a need in my life. everything that i do, happiness or unhappiness, i reallie do wanna share it with her. its reallie tough to find someone who knows YOU more then you do. talking about everything under the sun which none else can comprehend, its a BLISS(: i dont know how to use fanciful words. but that doesnt mean i dont love her enough[: the thing is , we both know it. and gods knows where we're gonna take each other till. people come and go but at least i know, she's one of the few who will live in me forever. *inside you, there's me* and.. MyHero,youknowitsgonnabeyongwonhee(L) SO .. after so many mths of waiting and silly quarrels , we finally met[: on the 6th, she came to find me at clementi mrt. ITS LIKE OH~MY~天! SHE WWAITED FOR ME. HAHAHHA~ those who know .. you understand XD den we used our mrt trip to update each other our happenings. there's another reason why i love her so much is. no matter how far we drift apart, we'll be able to close the gap almost immediately. no awkwardness, no nothing. we went to catch MONEY NO ENOUGH 2 ~ woah. comedy+tearjerker. its sucha nice nice movie. go watch ah[: LOL. den went around to find the plug for her laptop because .. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and the funny ones! :D ![]() ![]() ![]() *sorry dear spoil your 淑女 image XD lols the typical XIAOMEIMEI pose most girls have these days ;D we love to do things like this. ![]() let our blogs be filled with our faces[: cant wait for next outing~ SARANGHAE<3 and i'll always be your heroine;bianbian;spoony,thamahpinn. |