Stolen my soul,
stolen my heart.

Le Femme

Shi Pinn a.k.a Spoony
Over here, i'll have a million contradictions on how i feel, who i want to be, and who i'll never be.
Say Something?

Blow you away.

Jas Babe



Layout by: Captivating
Header codes by: Zeronineroses
Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 / 9:49 PM

Some random photos and words.
Enjoy, no? BU SOON :D

Dongbang's 3rd version of their Album Cover.
Never fails to WOW me(:

If medicine were so KAWAII,
i would be munching/swallowing them
down obediently everytime.
Seriously, i dont know whats wrong with my health
or that blardy immune system. Blardy lousy.

JaeJoong's sexyback.
Love that tattoo so much i think
im freaking getting it for my 18th b'day.

In case you didnt know,
im officially a Singaporean now.
Although i dont really feel any sense
of belonging here, even after the pledge and everything-
im sure the others in the same hall as me feels the same.
How can you just, well, become a Singaporean
just after taking the pledge & receiving
the IC from the minister?
Makes no sense or logic or whatever.
Say HI to my sis!

Yes! One of my happiest days at Belly's.
Hmm not very clear but those white little tags have
SOLD OUT on them(:
If i rmb clearly, i was practically shouting to my colleagues:

Very Christmas feel photos eh?
Looking forward to Christmas quite much this year...
Not sure either!

Caught REC with Eve,Caspar & Jason yesterday.
It was pretty well done except the gorish parts.
I hate GORE!
didnt know it was abt gore if not i wldnt have watched :X
The acting was natural but i had parts when i kinda dozed
off and when i just wanna slap the girl who's blabbering all
the way- super noisy! XD

Im gonna post about formal wear day sooooon. Soon!
Seriously, i dont suit being a blogger.
Havent got much time on hand and im not that
a great writer either.
And i dont bloghop much except for close ones.
Should i shut this down? :B