Layout by: Captivating
Header codes by: Zeronineroses
Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance
O-M-G for the past 2 hrs ive been looking at dongbang's new album pics. and gosh. i feel like sucha pervertttttt!! they're like FLASHING their body most of the time, E-S-P jaejoong !
i've oogled , drooled , satiated. gosh you see!! im sucha pervertttt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

 yes he've outdone himself again. sigh*

but the thing is , i enjoyed every moment of the oogling {:
and in case you havent heard, my classes are frm 8am-5pm everyday now. so, dont piss me offffffff. i dont really know what i'll do. hahhahahahahahha! but im reallie glad to relive the old times with LING-ERS again!! SukiYaki this friday babesssssss :D
*off for more eye pleasure from joongie~