Stolen my soul,
stolen my heart.

Le Femme

Shi Pinn a.k.a Spoony
Over here, i'll have a million contradictions on how i feel, who i want to be, and who i'll never be.
Say Something?

Blow you away.

Jas Babe



Layout by: Captivating
Header codes by: Zeronineroses
Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 / 3:37 AM

Another ungodly hour.. Just managed to polish off some minor parts of my reports. I was just telling wen that i haven't stopped for even a second ever since i got back from hk. It's been a month plus full of reports, conflicts,misunderstandings and contradictions. We all know that time stops for no one and i'm trying my very best to keep everything under wraps. It's amazing how fast my moods can change within a few hours and the number of events that could also happen within a few days. It's really getting harder to be myself. I still do, to a minor group, i hope. And to you guys i'll always be appreciative. Even as i pen down these thoughts, i wonder if anyone out there even gives a hoot about them :/ Less is more.. Less is more. Get it to your head spoony tham.