Le Femme ![]() ♥♥
Say Something? ♥♥♥
Blow you away. Jas Babe Jasmine Junsi Meiwen Qibin Yvonne ZhengGang ZiWei ♥♥♥♥
Down the memory lane. »Officially one of the photos i hate most in my lif... »R.I.P Park Yong Ha »While i'm still sober, »No point tryna evade it. »190th post. Hell yeah memorable. Tonight i ran awa... »To see the sky in its bluest daysTo feel the wind ... »Right now i only can think of a CON from a work(as... »Trains in the skyAre travelling through the fragme... »Im so obsessed with tumblr photos lately!BUT NO, i... »The Adventures of Freako&Fairy July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 November 2011 December 2011 ♥♥♥♥♥
Credits Header codes by: Zeronineroses Sidebar header inspirations from: Plastic!Romance :) |
Hongkong Day 1
Monday, July 5, 2010 /
1:45 AM Hi earthlings! 1.45am now and my head's spinning 340degrees.. Gonna K.O soon.. But i needa blog before all is chucked away somewhere in the deep abyss of my memory and photobucket again XD Jasmine! I totally feel you now. The "EXCITEMENT" from the travelling alone part. Boarding,departure,picking up of luggage, OMG. I made so many stupid mistakes but im glad im here, safe and sound, typing away in Hongkong, hehe. ![]() The whole family sent me off(so drama). My flight's at 10.05, and my dad can get us all there at 9am. 9!! We still went to have breakfast till 9.20. When the words on my boarding pass caught my eye, i ran for dear life. "Boarding pass MUST be presented by 9.35am" Disaster number one: I walked in the entrance and the kiasi me already start asking questions. Me: Hi, do i come here? Staff: *VERY BLUR FACE, MORE BLUR THEN MINE I SWEAR* Huh? Me: Erm, i get in this gate right? Staff: *STILL BLUR* Ya... You PR? Me: No, singaporean. Staff: Err.. just scan your passport here *directs way* Me: *STILL VERY KIASI* So i scan already turn left or right? Staff: *ULTIMATE BLUR FACE* You just see on your ticket the gate ya? Me: Oh? Where do i find it? (I know you guys wanna smack me already) Staff: Its here *point* Just follow the signs ya? Me: Okie, thanks. heh heh. (Yes i really laugh, no choice) As soon as i (finally)scanned my passport my mum called. They could see from outside so they asked why i took so long and why was i so dumb. Sigh.Spoony ah spoony.. But why the staff like in shock more then i am? Is it that nobody else in history actually ASKED what to do/where to go before?!?! T.T ![]() Once i boarded(after what seems forever), my eyes started to get droopy.. 10plus in the morning! Thought i'd never fall asleep. Was already on the verge of sleeping even the plane started moving but my unwavering determination to witness the take-off won over!!! HAHA! Like i never watch before XD ![]() Yum yum :D ![]() ![]() ![]() Slept for a good 2hours before waking up and stare out of the windows. Unfortunately my right ear went through hell with discomfort! :( Disaster number two: Upon reaching the departure hall,everyone scattered loose. Being ignorant and kiasi, i followed this girl whom i can recognise most from the flight cuz of her dressing. *Run run run run* Thought to myself: Wow now so high tech,hk also use scan scan. The queue was short, i was happy. My turn, slot in my passport to scan. I failed 4times before my stubborn and embarassed self turn away from the queue. "Hongkong Residents only" "Please scan your ic" DAMMIT. -.- I slotted my PASSPORT into the IC slot. Nice one spoony. My cousin laughed till her stomach ached! Disaster number three: All things come in threes. Especially bad luck. They wont stop haunting you till you hit the rock bottom. Finally! Luggage time! No chance of screwing it already right? NO. Still being the kiasi me, see a huge crowd, JOIN. After 5mins, lift up my head, "BAGGAGE COLLECTION something something" Then i know need to find my flight number, then i realised there are a lot of counters to pick up your luggage. *Run run run run* *Wait wait wait wait* No kidding the belt was SO FAST. I help other people pick up theirs, end up running like a fool after mine. How naise fellow singaporeans are -.- Being all sick and tired of all the drama, my cousin found a looking aimlessly(as usual) me and brought me over to Ajisen. ![]() Pretty! ![]() ![]() Introducing one of her sons, Moses! One yr old, cant speak, but mesmerising enough<3 Sent the kids home for their nap and my cousin and i went out the neighbourhood area for a lil shopping! ![]() ![]() Great name XD And its selling Taiwan snacks. Choose any 2combo for only $3.50! Plus a milk tea for $1. Dirt cheap. ![]() Had a late night snack after all the walking. First day only and just around the neighbourhood, $80 gone! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO. 2.36am now. I know normally its still so frigging early for me, but not today. Im losing my sanity soon. ![]() I feel so blissed. Nights all :) Goodnight Nini :) |