Woo. Tons of photos coming up! Its been days since 2009 debuted. Geez.. what have i been doing? Let me do some freshen up! ALERT: PLS DO NOT CARRY ON READING IF YOU DONT HAVE THE STATED QUALIFICATIONS. -PATIENCE -SOME SNACKS -MAYBE A CUP OF COFFEE -NOT IN SLEEPY MODE
30th Dec
Went out with ahzi deer! She woke me up around 1pm you know, on my off day!! BEN XIAO JIE NEEDS HER SLEEP PRETTY MUCH. Even my mum said to her: 'you sure you want to wake her up? you bear the consequences yourself' HAHHAHAHAHA. i dua pai hor :D
But becos she's my deer ah, no choice, have to wake up and get ready in an hr's time T_T Planning for that day was to have Seoul Garden & catch Yes Man. But wah, a lot last min changes here and there so even until 4plus i havent eaten anything. My tummy was creating havoc man. ***Coincidentally met kaiming&kairui ahhhh!! Super happy laa. Cos ahzi also worked with kaiming before, so the feeling of meeting old friends was great((:
In the end we managed to watch Yes Man, while the other 2 brothers caught Ip Man,lols. Let me name you some reasons why you shd catch Yes Man, and why you shldnt. You Should -becos you can nvrr get sick of Jim Carrey -you need some laughters recently -you wanna see Jim Carrey's butt,or rather, half of his butt You Shouldn't -becos you are sick of Jim Carrey -you dont like shows where you already can guess the plot -you dont wanna see (half of) his butt
We got yan,charlene, hazel & mybrother to gather for Seoul Garden! Seriously, its my first time having Seoul Garden. Nt very satisfied with the food there. Firstly, no pork :X Secondly, there seem to have a lot of choices, but no offence, they kinda taste all the same. But being the kiasu me, of cos i still ate a lot :B HEH HEH. Now, the usual photo taking!
 Super funny lor this one! Can you see someone on the left? Charlene was trying to siam my camera,cute(:

 Yes i know i looked very $#%^&*!@ Finally a off day after so many days of working and this woman have to torture me T_T LOL.
Still have some photos with the rest, i wait for my deer to send me first laa.
31st Dec
Dear Cactus organised a Countdown party @ Ritz Carlton! i invited Eve over to partayyy with us(: Only 6-star hotel in S'pore? Hmm........what shd i say? Everything was quite nice.. but still some distance frm 6-star, i think :X Maybe we didnt roam around much also laa.*shrugs Before heading to the hotel we celebrated 3 bdaes at Cactus! In respective order, (birthdates)31st,1st,2nd.DOPE HUH.

 We were desperately trying to cut the cheesecake with a pathetic little knife plus, the cheese was getting mushy -,-
 i totally cannot rmb what nic did to make us all have our attention focused on him!
 HAHAHHAHA.nah! give you something to laugh at XD

 Evefuu and me went to the bathroom to er-hem, do some intimate stuff...

Hell lotta games, drink drank drunk, stupid dares,everything practically showed their true colors that night. And i practically lost my voice that night. Dont know what i was high about LOL. Thanks all again for da great partay and little surprises here and there! i had a memorable 2009 birthday, with all the phone calls & sweet msgs too! Lastly, im really grateful to my dad for picking me up in the middle of the night. Xin ku ni le *salutes* 2nd & 3rd Jan STOCK-TAKING!!! te feelings, the fun, the hard work, the tears-- it still leaves me pretty speechless. i shall let the photos do the talking!

How it was at first..

 Gradually..everything started going haywire. 
People getting lost.. without any idea how to get started.
 In the midst of all the weariness, our store clown starts on some entertaining.

 BUT!! Everything ended pretty well. It gave us a chance to know each one better, it was like a bonding camp to me((: Took some photos with my FAV Doodoll as well!

Sorry i took so damm long to finish up this blardy post. I dont know if it matters to you, but it does to me....... haha.
Here i am sitting at Starbucks in MS, occupying their seat and table w/o buying any of their beverages or food, HEH HEH. i know i suck, but this is like the only chance and time i have to blog. Im finally having a decent lunch break today im back to work now Toodles ^^